Tuesday, July 12, 2011
All Men Are Created Equal To Jesus
The question to answer is; “how do I penetrate the chaos of the internet
and the sleep-state of individual human consciousness to communicate my
viewpoint?” First I think you have to ascertain that you yourself are
not in a sleep-state. Obviously you see that the general population
doesn’t think about much beyond the surface of what is offered to them
through whatever media they are exposed to. Author Jan Irvin was on Alex
Jones talking about mind control and talking about Trivium Education.
During the course of the interview Mr. Irvin went out of his way to make
a significant comment to Alex. He told Alex that he had to learn to
think without emotions. I think that the solution to your question about
communication on the internet lies within your own self and
understanding how you receive communication. Your reception of
communication is entirely dependent on your emotional attitude about the
subject of the communication. It also stands to reason that your
emotional attitude colors your own outbound communication.
In order to understand what is “emotional attitude” I want to shift to
another angle on this subject. I want to define the true self of a human
being through the Declaration of American Independence. To the point –
“all men are created equal.” This “self-evident” truth is the
cornerstone of Democracy. It is saying that ALL MEN ARE CREATED EQUAL TO
other founding fathers the highest standard of human creation is Jesus
of Nazareth. I say this because the Creator referred to by Jefferson in
the Declaration of Independence and understood by all of the signers of
the document, is the Creator who raised Jesus from the dead. What other
God would they be referring to? The highest thought here is that God
creates all humans as himself. Jesus of Nazareth as a man is the perfect
creation of God. Jesus of Nazareth is the best that God can do. God
creates all men equal to Jesus. This is the logical conclusion that
comes from God being perfect. Logically he can only create perfection.
He cannot create a man better than perfect Jesus nor can he create a man
less than perfect Jesus and so every human is identically perfect with
Jesus. This means that the basic state of mind – the true self – of all
humans is identical to the self of Jesus of Nazareth. This state of mind
of the self of Jesus is Creative PEACE. You might imagine that the
surface of the mind of Jesus is like a perfectly still body of water
without a single
ripple. There is no tension. The feeling that comes off of the surface
of the mind of Jesus is JOY because Joy is the will of God. This means
that the natural state of mind of all humans is Peace and satisfaction
actively expressing JOY.What then are negative feelings if logically they do not arise spontaneously from the true self? What is the source of feelings of anger if those feelings don’t originate in the true self? Logically, all negative feelings come from outside of the true self. Defining the source of negative feelings is not important because the fact that they exist is self-evident and so understanding how to deal with these negative feelings is of primary importance. Because your thinking is controlled by how you feel about the subject of your thought it means that negative feelings that come from outside of yourself will displace the good feelings of your true self and create thought in your mind contrary to thoughts that the good feelings from your true self would create in your mind. In other words thoughts that are not from your true self. When your thinking is steered by negative feelings you have become a tool of those negative feelings. Thomas Jefferson referred to the control that negative feelings have on the mind as “tyranny over the mind of man” I’m sure you remember Jefferson’s oath; it’s right there at his memorial. He wrote, “I have sworn upon the Altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”. He declared his feelings of hostility against the negative feelings of hate, fear, despair, doubt, anger, and stupidity and any other negative feelings that could come up to stand in the way of Liberty..
It is a logical conclusion that the only thoughts that can be trusted as your own are those thoughts that occur when you are feeling your true self which is joy. Thoughts that occur to you under the bias of negative feelings will always be problematic, misleading, and off the point and cannot be trusted. You can only do your best problem-solving when you are being your best self and your best self has no doubt and no fear because your best self is creating joy all of the time. Being in a good mood is being yourself and being in a bad mood is being a hateful version of yourself.
To answer your question as to whether the internet is “dumbing us down” I would respond that the internet is just a mechanical vehicle without any intent and that the mass of humanity is being constantly “dumbed down” by non-human negative feelings that permeate the content of the WEB. Your solution will come from your true self by allowing yourself to feel like yourself all of the time. Real consciousness is the continual realization of your own happiness as the fulcrum of perception. Focusing on happiness as consciousness is the way we all are pursuing Happiness.
On a political level a person of consciousness becomes actionary
versus reactionary. Instead of fearing the oppressors and allowing the
fear-feeling to create in you imaginations of disasters which then
brings you deeper into the circle of fear, dumbing you even more, the
solution is to think about the oppressors without fear and allow
solutions to their oppressions to occur in your mind and create
imaginations of salvation for all mankind. Just the realization that our
Creator endows all humankind with freedom and happiness creates a
Democratic view of God in our minds in which he is a friend of all of
the people. The view of God as a King is what is at the root of all
tyrannical regimes and religions including King George’s England of
1776. The concept of God as King comes down through Mosaic Law and has
been used by all secular and religious oppressors in the west as a
validation of their tyrannical authority. The Declaration of
Independence rejects tyrannical authority both secular and religious and
rests real authority in the individual person. There are no ten
commandments in the Declaration of Independence. There is no hate. There
is only freedom to live and be happy.